Twitter archive 2012-12-16 to 2012-12-22

  • Touching genda…… gxoxjcbsvahzjkcjxjs 2012-12-22
  • back to chrono stone without spoiling :P 2012-12-22
  • nopeeee, smells too much like dog out in the living room =3= 2012-12-22
  • I'll probably relist that one with a better title later xD;;; I just realized it sounds fishy just as is >_>; Need studio or 1BR preferably 2012-12-22
  • So yeah, anyone who knows a good place in east bay I could move to, please let me know~ my apts wanted listing is here: 2012-12-22
  • & she thinks I'll be spending more time outside the room when the old man leaves… no he's not the only reason why I hide in my room. 2012-12-22
  • srsly when you have 6 furries, work full-time elsewhere, & 2 of them r needy dogs, don't see how you really give them equally quality living 2012-12-22
  • seriously if the dogs weren't there, I'm 1000% positive that cat would've gone out of the closet just once & actually had a good time here. 2012-12-22
  • the wife just spent over $1000 for operation on 1 of the cats she took in for a friend, it got an eye infection from the stress *COUGHDOGS* 2012-12-22
  • @_snu yeshhh I went to japan with it in reply to _snu 2012-12-22
  • I'm so happy I got the yamano ban bag XDDD it's actually useful and it makes me smile every time I look at it~~~ 2012-12-22
  • Studio I checked out today. it's nice except the area is a little fishy, there aren't enough laundry units & possible cockroach problem buu 2012-12-22
  • I checked in at Western Management Properties on #Yelp 2012-12-22
  • the dogs here irritate me a whole bunch (soooooo effing needy) but seeing pictures of shibas calms me at least =3=;;; 2012-12-22
  • she blogged about the stuff I gave her yay ^q^ 2012-12-22
  • demo majiiiiiiii shougakusei ja neeeeeeee ze korya ^q^ #ginga 2012-12-22
  • hosoyan's ouzouuuuuu ^q^ #ginga 2012-12-22
  • Jinnnnnnnnnn I voted you at least once every day~~~~~~ TwT 2012-12-22
  • bending my #inadan roman album to scan it 2012-12-22
  • …I wonder if Jin is just sleeping that whole time that ep lololololol…..||| 2012-12-22
  • I can't help but think about Hiro when the Seekers Board music plays in this dansen ep… XD; 2012-12-22
  • Thinkkk I can finish Chrono Stone main story this weekend. Still have to go out both days for errands though & I don't get the 24th off… 2012-12-21
  • note to self: update lj sales list…!!! I keep forgetting orz And scan them other goodies <3 2012-12-21
  • I approve of girls who appreciate the scents I bring into the office with all the oranges and raw cucumbers I eat XD;;;; 2012-12-21
  • I love Tai Yuuki's singing voice >w< 2012-12-21
  • #Inazuma All-Stars x TPK album <3 2012-12-21
  • *keeps 3ds in jacket pocket so I can get some points from the pedometer walking |D* more presents for Shuuya~~~ 2012-12-21
  • I can never seem to go more than a few hours without sneezing 2 or 3 times in a row. Why am I so allergic to life~~~~~~~ orz 2012-12-21
  • what's with this sleezy office music early in the morning, do not want. 2012-12-21
  • Especially happy for kana-chan, good moe ren’ai circulation choudai ww 2012-12-21
  • 激突!イナダン総選挙、結果発表中!劇場版『イナダン』のここがアツい!&1位になった声優さんから感謝コメント動画も掲載中だよ! #inadan_ranking CONGRATS ALL 5 OF YOU <3 2012-12-21
  • tonight's a night for MUTE ALL 2012-12-21
  • waiii #inadan movie stayed in top 10 for 3 weeks, ome~ 2012-12-21
  • that end of the year polar bear cafe ep was lovely <3 2012-12-21
  • hiroshiba maji kawaii >w< 2012-12-20
  • @PoochyEXE not the only one who does solely for inazuma w 2012-12-20
  • Only problem is the fatal fault of the 3ds, alarm doesn’t go off unless you keep the screens on all night long wtf?? 2012-12-20
  • Omg it even has voiced alarm clock ^q^ yume wo kanaeru level-5 #inazuma everyday, now to fix my 3ds’s time settings w 2012-12-20
  • @onkeikun the tentacle things don’t help ^q^ in reply to onkeikun 2012-12-20
  • Sawarimakuttekimochiyokatta nojinii saying ’that tickles..’ ^q^ #inazuma everyday 2012-12-20
  • Nayanda tochuu ni shuuya-kun oshichatta 2012-12-20
  • I’m honestly more dokidoki about this than chrono stone itself w 2012-12-20
  • You know those dreams of nojinii being a portable kareshi… they’ve come true thanks to #inazuma ww #seiyuu 2012-12-20
  • ’Yoroshiku… gouenji-kun/shuuya-kun’ which one to pickkk hardest decision of my life #inazuma everyday 2012-12-20
  • Now have to wait for #inazuma 1-2-3 to get everyday on the 2nd 3ds and surechigai myself… XD;;; forever alone inazumadom 2012-12-20
  • GO GO FIRE BIRD 2012-12-20
  • nintendo e-shop is so slow |D 2012-12-20
  • ah… brushed my teeth then remembered I still had some watermelon left to finish orz. Still love the smell it leaves in my room <3 2012-12-20
  • @onkeikun uohhhhh!! Thanks for the reminder <3333333333333333 in reply to onkeikun 2012-12-20
  • @_snu yayyyyyyy glad they arrived safely :D~~~ enjoy!!! in reply to _snu 2012-12-20
  • 2012-12-20
  • will yoink when at home <3 ~ Thank you ____ for keeping Zero-raws up in their pinch~ XD; 2012-12-19
  • The animation in this week's level-5 hour is beautiful <3;;; HD hoshii 2012-12-19
  • new dansenw op/ed so gorgeous \o/ 2012-12-19
  • @onkeikun haha yeah at least for me I'm just fretting over things mostly x_x; might go out of my way to make some peace of mind to play in reply to onkeikun 2012-12-19
  • @onkeikun Just started bakumatsu. You'll catch up at that rate in reply to onkeikun 2012-12-19
  • @cndy_e lol thank you!! Was that the only bonus that came with the CD? XD;; in reply to cndy_e 2012-12-19
  • Note to self: upload Mizel arc screenshots especially because lolol the Seekers Board >w< ~ 2012-12-19
  • :<<<< want to play chrono stone but real life woes in the way once again 2012-12-19
  • @_snu yeah, I've been able to do that with yabuten's inazuma manga… XD;; Some day I'll get the courage with dansen then~ in reply to _snu 2012-12-19
  • @_snu uhaha, I got the first 4 volumes for the heck of it but afraid to read if it'll ruin my image of the anime/game versions… XD; in reply to _snu 2012-12-19
  • @_snu <333 aww thank you~~~~~~ in reply to _snu 2012-12-19
  • BBC News – Obama 'backs assault weapons ban' 2012-12-18
  • a funny thing is i was thinking in the dream how i still had my 3ds/vita with me, and they both have cameras w 2012-12-18
  • &the waitress in specific was one of the bilingual jp girls at work… nanikorekowai 2012-12-18
  • Just had an rem nightmare that i was taking pics of a wall menu in japan, &waitresses confiscated my phone. 2012-12-18
  • Uuu, sooo glad a coworker offered headphones for me to borrow TwT~~~ Office music went to bad hiphop again for the afternoon x_x 2012-12-17
  • gahhh, dekin. Will go to walgreens at lunch break to get headphones x_x; 2012-12-17
  • End of the week to find out the results <3 ~ 激突!イナダン総選挙、集計中!キミの投票したキャラは何位に入ったかな?お楽しみに! #inadan_ranking 2012-12-17
  • thought I had extra time to catch the bus today but turns out I didn't, and forgot my headphones+3ds x_x fortunately still got inadan novel 2012-12-17
  • My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: 光田康典 (69), 近藤嶺 (45) & 亀岡夏海 (36) 2012-12-17
  • all this real life stuff is keeping me away from playing more Chrono Stone… 8|… I'm still on Jeanne d'Arc–…arc 2012-12-17
  • old man is still "confused" that he has to move out next week LOL… :x I'm not looking forward to the next people coming in still… 2012-12-17
  • looking for new housing is kind of fun, yet still a bit frustrating……….. haaa ganbarimasu~! 2012-12-17
  • Plus I'm in between jobs so I don't have insurance >_______>; Ugh what bad timing. 2012-12-17
  • Ugh, have to wear glasses all week, since I couldn't get an appointment until Sunday. They make me sleepy… 2012-12-17
  • back to the confusion of work tomorrow already, ehhhhhhhhhhh it was too short 2012-12-17
  • I checked in at Koreana Plaza on #Yelp 2012-12-17
  • I checked in at Tao Yuen Pastry on #Yelp 2012-12-17
  • …not a good start today. One of my contacts accidentally went down the drain……. 2012-12-16
  • the slowww burn that comes from real kim-chi, kuhaaaa this is the spice I haven't felt in a while :3~ 2012-12-16
  • uohh this package feels so good and sturdy *nods in satisfaction* 2012-12-16
  • I do love it when Lina forces herself onto my lap when I'm working on something. She gets jealous of paper 2012-12-16
  • @_snu gotcha :DD thanks!! in reply to _snu 2012-12-16
  • @_snu which inago characters do you like? XDDD in reply to _snu 2012-12-16
  • Now that i look, when does tsurugi ever zip up that raimon jersey. Yattenai yo ne… w 2012-12-16
  • I'm decorating people's xmas cards with inazuma stickers this year because my box of random stickers is in Michigan yessiree. :) 2012-12-16
  • 肝心な時に文字汚いなオレううううう 2012-12-16
  • @onkeikun Ψ(≧v≦)Ψ ohohoho in reply to onkeikun 2012-12-16
  • @_snu >w< kawaii… w tohoho I finished drawing something for you and will send out ze package on monday :3~~~~ in reply to _snu 2012-12-16
  • "raimon jr. high's ace striker" wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww maji deta 2012-12-16
  • finally watching nojinii and anchan's tokimeki recipe 2012-12-16
  • @PoochyEXE done~ I've told them of their past things I used to support, and that they are no more because of their bullying of L5. >:E in reply to PoochyEXE 2012-12-16
  • @onkeikun wwww in reply to onkeikun 2012-12-16