Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-04-03

  • @descole yes, I vaguely remember that too so it wouldn't surprise me too much either XDDD;; What a strange fandom~ in reply to descole #
  • @descole I wonder if some kind of raegquit*delete* happened to it XD????? in reply to descole #
  • Wow, what happened to the Kuroshitsuji LJ com? #
  • あの日々超なつい #
  • VitX to Z opening Tattsun and KENN makes me think about Digimon Savers XD~~~;;;;;;;; #
  • note to self: need to care less about the loser majority on #
  • @ExKage YAROU YAROU!! in reply to ExKage #
  • @Nia9001 @bearfuzz Me too <3 ~ The good kind of BL \o/ in reply to Nia9001 #
  • Mm 999 hit will have to wait for tomorrow, need sleep now after that yucky case study reading~ oyasumi~ #
  • @shucookies Yay~! He's my fav too although I like all the playable guys in general XD~ in reply to shucookies #
  • @shucookies Too bad Rolo never had a really distinct outfit in Geass, I think they would've made a DLC for him then LOLOL. in reply to shucookies #
  • @shucookies Actuallyyyyyyyyyyyy… XDDDDDDD in reply to shucookies #
  • oh lol 999 hit can be done in 1 min with the right preps XD; Hubert ftw. Next goal! #
  • my highest combo from 301 to 999 or at least higher, I suck at this part orz and bring the "Extra" accomplishments to 999 too… mm #
  • 130 hours on Tales of Graces F and need to figure out how to get about 1k more grade, ahh so hard XD; Fastest way would be to raise… #
  • Inazuma Ep 100 in 1 minute wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww | 【イナズマイレブン】危険な忙しい100話【音系】 (0:56) #nicovideo #sm13962992 #
  • April is Kidou month on my Inazuma monthly calendar <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 #
  • Note to self: 4.2 #
  • interesting, facebook has such terrible upservice rates XD;;; #
  • @ExKage Better to focus blogging on one series and do it right than many and do them all wrong :D in reply to ExKage #
  • @ExKage XDDD that's sad in reply to ExKage #
  • I wonder how much business they lose with every passing hour :x #
  • InaGO listing up at You have to tick people off just to get people to approve a submission? Sounds like politics #
  • @Nia9001 ganba~ I've got a backlog of BL novel to read xD; If I ever catch up and want more maybe I'll poke you for more recs 8D; in reply to Nia9001 #
  • おやすみ~最後で鬼道いっぱいいっぱい幸せにするとしようっか|キドウイレブン | 遊庵 #pixiv #
  • *thumbs up XD* #
  • @picaaa …XDDD wish there were more men out there who could love an otome the way they want it~ in reply to picaaa #
  • oya people buying off all the hakuouki stuff from my sale XDDD chotto igai kedo ii zo #
  • @tamifuru I've never seen them sold where I live XD; in reply to tamifuru #
  • Endorse Inazuma GO please XD; send in ACCURATE endorse to get this listing up! They're taking too long >> #
  • Gasp, G3's votes are starting to even out #
  • InaGO anime image from Anime Otakara Hunter airing EARRINGS wwwwwww #
  • @tamifuru I agree XD~~~; I wish they would just make them with less of the killer ingredients! in reply to tamifuru #
  • Even tho many are just instru. versions of the Character Songs, which is ABSOLUTELY FINE with me <3 Seiyuu music <3 #
  • D: I'm so surprised Lucian Bee's doesn't have OST CDs released, the BGMs are AMAZING! #
  • @MMFlint I watched that Colbert Report! You were both great! I really hope all your messages get through to more people. Keep at it! in reply to MMFlint #
  • Extra cheers to Mizushima, Sugitan, Youkyan, Majima, Junko-chan and all the lovely voices I will be happy to hear singing from <3 <3 #
  • Kaji and Shimono and Mamo and Yocchin and Nojinii singing for Inazuma, thinking again, I EXCITE. SO MUCH. #
  • Don't mind me shortening the following list again XD; Moving some to lists #
  • shhh you didn't see me vote on the poll, "not yet" XDDD #
  • @KiyoTheHusky oh that sounds more interactive XD; Something with politics is always fun, other than that my brain is fried~ in reply to KiyoTheHusky #
  • @KiyoTheHusky Lol looks like a super miniature ver of project proposal for my masters program. Always lots of problems in health care in reply to KiyoTheHusky #
  • @tamifuru There's some talk about it on hibiki and such… I don't know what happened in the end though in reply to tamifuru #
  • このままじゃ、やっぱり100pになりそう ༼ꉺ.̫ꉺ༽ #
  • もう50pのネームがあるんだけど40枚のぐだぐだ絵しか描いてない。ペンする気ねエ #
  • 今晩は久しぶりに同人描くとしよっか #
  • Sales post updated #
  • New LJ Entry: [talk] 忙しいttttt, Twitter Weekly Updates: Attempting to ween the spastic, reactionary fangirl off T… #